

熱烈恭喜瑪麗亞凱莉,單曲#Beautiful本周成績再往前進,從上周24名爬升到第20名,同時成為她個人第32首Top 20單曲。

此外,這首歌曲本周也獲得點播大躍進(Airplay Gainer)的殊榮,點播榜從上周的第44名晉升到第28名,聽眾涵蓋率為4200萬人次,比上周的3100萬人次成長33%。




當然還是希望咪咪能多上些電視節目做宣傳,一開始的成績美麗,期待甜蜜的第19冠(Sweet 19th)能盡快實現。


Billboard Hot 100: No.20 – Airplay Gainer
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: No.28 – (up 16)
Billboard Streaming Songs: No.40 (new)
Billboard Digital Tracks: No.14
Billboard Digital Songs: No.15
Billboard R&B Digital Songs: No.2
Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Songs: No.3
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: No.18 (up 4)
Billboard Adult Contemporary: No.22 (Almost Home)
Billboard Mainstream R&B/Hip-Hop: No.29 (no change)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs: No.5 (up 2)
Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: No.40
Billboard R&B Songs: No.2 (no change)
Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Streaming Songs: No.14 (new)
Billboard R&B Streaming Songs: No.3 (new)
Billboard Rhythmic: No.17 (up 5)
Billboard Pop Song: No.18 (up 4)

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美國偶像節目演唱組曲大獲好評後,瑪麗亞凱莉似乎愛上了這樣的演唱方式,她即將參加5/24上午七點早安美國夏季音樂會(Good Morning America Summer Concert Series),再次演唱組曲。

據悉這次的曲目略有不同,可能會有"Vision of Love"、"Love Takes Time"、"Emotions"、"Dreamlover"、"My All",以及"#Beautiful",難度不遜於美偶,非常值得期待。

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日前甫結束的美國偶像總決賽,瑪麗亞凱莉預錄組曲表演,有現場的歌迷偷偷的錄下錄影中間休息時刻,瑪麗亞凱莉與現場的互動對話,心情極好的瑪麗亞凱莉甚至清唱起了Underneath the Star,讓歌迷們又驚又喜。(歌詞在下方,大家一起唱)

One summer night
We ran away for a while
Laughing, we hurried beneath the sky
To an obscure place to hide
That no one could find

As we drifted to another place in time
And the feeling was so heady and sublime
As I lost my heart to you
There in the dark
Underneath the stars

Baby Baby


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瑪麗亞凱莉擔任評審的美國偶像第12季,於今天正式選出總冠軍,在本季的最後一集,瑪麗亞凱莉演唱了一系列的組曲,包含了Vision of Love、Make it Happen、My All、Hero、We Belong Together以及最新單曲#Beautiful。


為了讓現場直播程序順暢,瑪麗亞凱莉的表演採用預錄的方式先行錄製,力求完美的瑪麗亞凱莉據聞共錄了三次現場表演,挑出最滿意的一次播出,敬業精神讓人感動。在休息時刻,瑪麗亞凱莉還為現場觀眾唱了許多歌曲片段,包含了Can't Let Go、Fantasy、Breakdown、The Roof、Always Be My Baby、Heartbreaker以及Underneath the Stars,讓粉絲大飽耳福。

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*流行歌曲榜(Pop Songs)第22名
*成人抒情榜(Adult Contemporary)第23名
*主流節奏藍調嘻哈榜(Mainstream R&B/Hip-Hop)第29名
*成人流行榜 (Adult Pop Songs)第35名。



Billboard Hot 100: #24 (Debut)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #44 (Last Week #44)
Billboard Pop 100: #22 (Debut) Greatest Gainer
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #10 (Debut)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs: #7 (Last Week #32)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #30 (Debut)Greatest Gainer
Billboard R&B Songs: #2 (Last Week #16)
Billboard R&B Digital Songs: #1 (Debut)
Billboard Adult Contemporary: #23 (Debut) Greatest Gainer
Billboard Adult Pop Songs: #35 (Debut)
BDS audience impressions this week: 31 million (=)
Downloads this week: 114,000

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展露魔鬼身材 馬吉爾邊拍MV邊流口水

本週一(5/6)推出復古氣息新單曲"美麗 #Beautiful"(暫譯)的瑪麗亞凱莉,新歌一發行就榮登全球20國iTunes冠軍,為了趁勝追擊,瑪麗亞凱莉更在今天(5/10)推出"美麗 #Beautiful"(暫譯)音樂錄影帶,並與曾拍攝布蘭妮、珍娜傑克森作品的導演Joseph Kahn合作,兩人在過去也曾合作”Boy (I Need You)音樂錄影帶,讓不少歌迷期待這次會擦出什麼樣的火花!導演表示:「我很喜歡這支音樂錄影帶簡單、真誠的感覺」果然瑪麗亞凱莉為了帶給歌迷煥然一新的感覺,在音樂錄影帶裡毫不吝嗇地穿上黑色深V上衣,大秀事業線,讓一起合唱的節奏藍調歌手馬吉爾在MV裡不斷流口水!

曾經來過台灣開演唱會的瑪麗亞凱莉,在台灣擁有不少的歌迷,"美麗 #Beautiful"(暫譯)六號晚間在台灣iTunes上架不到1小時,旋即登上銷售冠軍寶座,證明天后就是天后!除了在台灣創下銷售佳績外,這首單曲在美國電台也打破Lady Gaga ”Born This Way”的首日播放成績,成功締造兩千九百萬人口收聽紀錄,讓全美DJ都為這股”美麗”風潮瘋狂不已!

今天同步於「美國偶像」首播的"美麗 #Beautiful"(暫譯)音樂錄影帶,瑪麗亞凱莉除了穿上火辣的深V上衣,她更換上一套黃色小洋裝,在跑車前搖擺火辣的魔鬼曲線,性感指數直衝破表,讓坐在跑車內的合唱男歌手馬吉爾大流口水,完全看不出來她已經是兩個小孩的媽!這支音樂錄影帶訂於下周四(5/16)於台灣 FOX娛樂台首播,另外瑪麗亞凱莉也將登上「美國偶像」決賽舞台,會帶來什麼樣的演出,讓歌迷期待萬分!


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Hop on the back of my bike
Let the good wind blow through your hair
With an a** like that
And a smile so bright, oh you're killin' me
You know it ain't fair, yeah

Ride on through the middle of the night
Let the moonlight kiss your skin
When you dance like that
Jeans so tight, oh you're killin' me, baby do it again, yeah

You're beautiful
And your mind is # beautiful
And I can't pretend
That that doesn't mean a thing to me, to me, yeah

You're beautiful
Good lord, you're # beautiful
And I can't pretend
That that doesn't mean a thing to me, to me
Yeah, yeah

I like when you run red lights
Don't stop till you thrill me
Ohh how you thrill me
Always in control, how you do it I don't know
But I don't care, take me anywhere 'cause

It's beautiful
Ooh you make me feel undressable
And I can't pretend that doesn't mean
A thing to me, to me
Oooh ooh ooh

You're beautiful
And your mind is # beautiful
And I can't pretend
That that doesn't mean a thing to me, to me

Yeah, you're beautiful
Good lord, you're # beautiful
And I can't pretend
That that doesn't mean a thing to me, to me
Yeah, yeah

Uh uh you're beautiful


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【林慧娟╱綜合報導】後天是母親節,美國《職業婦女》(Working Mother)雜誌選出2013年美國50大「權勢媽咪」,2年前在《富比世》30歲以下最賺錢名人榜中奪魁的「巧克力美人」碧昂絲(Beyonce Knowles),榮登演藝圈權勢娘冠軍,第2名是名模姬賽兒邦倩,第3名是身家150億元台幣的歌壇天后「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉。




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瑪麗亞凱莉 (Mariah Carey) 2013年全新單曲#Beautiful在5月6日於全球同步推出,台灣地區iTunes排行榜也在開放下載不久後,立即拿下單曲冠軍的名次,可喜可賀!



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唱完小孩催眠曲後 直奔錄音室錄新歌 老公眼中的「女超人」

正忙於擔任接近決賽階段「美國偶像」評審的瑪麗亞凱莉,也沒忘記癡癡盼望新歌的歌迷們,睽違近四年的全新專輯正式主打歌 ”美麗#Beautiful”(暫譯),將在今晚(5/6)晚間發表,暖身的25秒預告影片已突破230萬人次點閱,足見歌迷對這首新歌的期待!目前同時身兼歌手、選秀評審、母親等多重角色的瑪麗亞,白天忙於「美國偶像」製作單位討論評審工作,晚上則在家照顧一對雙胞胎兒女,錄音工作則是在唱完催眠曲哄孩子入睡後,再直奔錄音室一直工作到早上6點才結束,讓人不得不佩服天后過人的旺盛精力,好像都不用睡覺一樣,連老公尼克(Nick Cannon)都說:「我老婆簡直是女超人!」

每次瑪麗亞發片就會引發美國節目搶人大戰,「美國偶像」的工作都還沒告一段落,已確定接受ABC電視台「早安美國Good Morning America」節目的邀請,在紐約中央公園舉行盛大的封街演唱會。瑪麗亞在接受告示牌雜誌專訪時談到近日滿檔的工作行程,又得身兼照顧家庭的人妻與母親時表示:「我工作量多到像變戲法一樣,但目前我還應付得來。」目前仍在製作中的新專輯,是瑪麗亞升格為母親後推出的首張作品,媒體與歌迷也好奇新作的曲風走向,她透露:「這次會有許多的抒情曲,注入了我的靈魂與心情在裡面。」

新歌 ”美麗#Beautiful”(暫譯)找來葛萊美獎得主馬吉爾(Miguel)合作,已搶聽過的美國DJ與媒體都表示「這絕對會是一首暢銷的排行金曲!」台灣將在今晚(5/6)8點與全球零時差,於飛碟電台的「8點一定強」節目首播,iTunes音樂商店也同步發行這首新單曲。台灣的數位音樂平台KKBOX、myMusic、Omusic等,則將會在隔天(5/7)上架。

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正忙於擔任「美國偶像」評審的「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉,將於今晚發表暌違近4年的全新專輯正式主打歌「美麗」(暫譯),暖身的25秒預告影片已突破231萬人次點閱。她身兼歌手、評審、母親等多重角色,連老公尼克坎儂都說:「我老婆簡直是女超人 !」


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Almost Home (Music from the Motion Picture Oz the Great and Powerful)  

瑪麗亞凱莉2013最新單曲Almost Home終於發表啦!同時也是電影奧茲大帝的主題曲,電影將在3/15在台上映。趕快來聽聽看這首全新單曲!2/19 itunes 開放下載

詞:Mariah Carey, Simone Porter, Justin Gray, Lindsey Ray, Tor Erik Hermansen, Mikkel Eriksen
曲:Mariah Carey, Simone Porter, Justin Gray, Lindsey Ray, Tor Erik Hermansen, Mikkel Eriksen

Hey, hey.....
You're almost home
You're almost home
You're almost home

I've seen the light in the sky
In the skies are like fireflies
Burning bright
Just to vanish in the dark

I've held hope in my two hands
That there would be another chance
To find the kingdom, I'm believing in my heart
Cause underneath the good
There's something greater than you know

When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home
(You're almost home)

When you run, run so far
You've forgotten who you are
Where you're from, it's like some other universe
You count your steps, like they're regrets
You catch one breath then lose the rest
Wrong is right, right is left
And there's nowhere left to turn

So don't believe in everything
You think, you think you know

When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home

When you let your heart be the compass
(It will always lead you home)
You won't get lost, not if you trust it
(It will always lead you home)
When you hear the sound of the trumpet
Louder than ever before

Oh, when you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Cause you're almost there
Almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home, home, home

When you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Almost there
You're almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home, home, home

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Hey, hey.....
You're almost home
You're almost home
You're almost home

I've seen the light in the sky
In the skies are like fireflies
Burning bright
Just to vanish in the dark

I've held hope in my two hands
That there would be another chance
To find the kingdom, I'm believing in my heart
Cause underneath the good
There's something greater than you know

When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home
(You're almost home)

When you run, run so far
You've forgotten who you are
Where you're from, it's like some other universe
You count your steps, like they're regrets
You catch one breath then lose the rest
Wrong is right, right is left
And there's nowhere left to turn

So don't believe in everything
You think, you think you know

When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home

When you let your heart be the compass
(It will always lead you home)
You won't get lost, not if you trust it
(It will always lead you home)
When you hear the sound of the trumpet
Louder than ever before

Oh, when you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Cause you're almost there
Almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home, home, home

When you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Almost there
You're almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home, home, home

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瑪麗亞凱莉應Lat Night with Jimmy Fallon節目的邀請,表演了特別版的"All I Want for Christmas is You",在影片中只利用國小音樂課堂上出現的樂器作伴奏,咪咪現場演唱整首歌曲,功力依舊。



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