目前分類:2013 (25)
- May 06 Mon 2013 22:17
[消息] #Beautiful首發日,台灣iTunes奪冠軍!
- May 06 Mon 2013 09:34
[環球] 瑪麗亞凱莉新歌 ”美麗 #Beautiful”今晚8點台灣同步首播
唱完小孩催眠曲後 直奔錄音室錄新歌 老公眼中的「女超人」
正忙於擔任接近決賽階段「美國偶像」評審的瑪麗亞凱莉,也沒忘記癡癡盼望新歌的歌迷們,睽違近四年的全新專輯正式主打歌 ”美麗#Beautiful”(暫譯),將在今晚(5/6)晚間發表,暖身的25秒預告影片已突破230萬人次點閱,足見歌迷對這首新歌的期待!目前同時身兼歌手、選秀評審、母親等多重角色的瑪麗亞,白天忙於「美國偶像」製作單位討論評審工作,晚上則在家照顧一對雙胞胎兒女,錄音工作則是在唱完催眠曲哄孩子入睡後,再直奔錄音室一直工作到早上6點才結束,讓人不得不佩服天后過人的旺盛精力,好像都不用睡覺一樣,連老公尼克(Nick Cannon)都說:「我老婆簡直是女超人!」
每次瑪麗亞發片就會引發美國節目搶人大戰,「美國偶像」的工作都還沒告一段落,已確定接受ABC電視台「早安美國Good Morning America」節目的邀請,在紐約中央公園舉行盛大的封街演唱會。瑪麗亞在接受告示牌雜誌專訪時談到近日滿檔的工作行程,又得身兼照顧家庭的人妻與母親時表示:「我工作量多到像變戲法一樣,但目前我還應付得來。」目前仍在製作中的新專輯,是瑪麗亞升格為母親後推出的首張作品,媒體與歌迷也好奇新作的曲風走向,她透露:「這次會有許多的抒情曲,注入了我的靈魂與心情在裡面。」
新歌 ”美麗#Beautiful”(暫譯)找來葛萊美獎得主馬吉爾(Miguel)合作,已搶聽過的美國DJ與媒體都表示「這絕對會是一首暢銷的排行金曲!」台灣將在今晚(5/6)8點與全球零時差,於飛碟電台的「8點一定強」節目首播,iTunes音樂商店也同步發行這首新單曲。台灣的數位音樂平台KKBOX、myMusic、Omusic等,則將會在隔天(5/7)上架。
- May 06 Mon 2013 08:30
[自由] 花蝴蝶催生新輯 天亮才收工
- Mar 13 Wed 2013 17:16
奧茲大帝主題曲 "Almost Home" MV出爐
- Feb 19 Tue 2013 23:21
[新聞]Mariah Carey(瑪麗亞凱莉)2013最新單曲Almost Home曝光
瑪麗亞凱莉2013最新單曲Almost Home終於發表啦!同時也是電影奧茲大帝的主題曲,電影將在3/15在台上映。趕快來聽聽看這首全新單曲!2/19 itunes 開放下載
詞:Mariah Carey, Simone Porter, Justin Gray, Lindsey Ray, Tor Erik Hermansen, Mikkel Eriksen
曲:Mariah Carey, Simone Porter, Justin Gray, Lindsey Ray, Tor Erik Hermansen, Mikkel Eriksen
Hey, hey.....
You're almost home
You're almost home
You're almost home
I've seen the light in the sky
In the skies are like fireflies
Burning bright
Just to vanish in the dark
I've held hope in my two hands
That there would be another chance
To find the kingdom, I'm believing in my heart
Cause underneath the good
There's something greater than you know
When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home
(You're almost home)
When you run, run so far
You've forgotten who you are
Where you're from, it's like some other universe
You count your steps, like they're regrets
You catch one breath then lose the rest
Wrong is right, right is left
And there's nowhere left to turn
So don't believe in everything
You think, you think you know
When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home
When you let your heart be the compass
(It will always lead you home)
You won't get lost, not if you trust it
(It will always lead you home)
When you hear the sound of the trumpet
Louder than ever before
Oh, when you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Cause you're almost there
Almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home, home, home
When you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Almost there
You're almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home, home, home, home