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(金牌大風新聞稿)繼〈California Gurls〉、〈Teenage Dream〉、〈Firework〉之後,最新單曲〈E.T.〉在今最新揭曉的告示牌單曲榜上,也正式奪冠。不但成為凱蒂佩芮新輯《Teenage Dream》的第四首全美冠軍單曲,也讓凱蒂佩芮成為2004UsherConfessoins》之後、第一位單張專輯締造四首全美冠軍單曲的歌手!

E.T.〉風光奪下全美單曲榜冠軍,不但將《Teenage Dream》全美冠軍單曲數挺進四首、並成為她個人生平的第五首全美冠軍單曲(第一首為〈I Kissed A Girl〉),更驚人的是,上一位能完成單張專輯締造四首全美冠軍單曲的「天后」,竟已經是21年前、Mariah Carey的首張同名專輯《Mariah Carey》(1990)。

E.T.〉風光登上全美單曲榜冠軍,遠遠退下較晚才揭曉的Lady Gaga新輯首支單曲〈Born This Way〉,再加上這首單曲本週依舊持續蟬聯全美數位單曲榜冠軍(已達三週),足見這首歌廣受全美樂迷與DJ的瘋狂熱愛。更驚人的是,這首歌還沒正式發表音樂錄影帶呢!

E.T.〉音樂錄影帶!這是我以後現代風格走紅的女性導演Floria Sigismondi、所合作的首支影帶。光裡面的視覺風格,絕對讓大家驚豔。」

03/31)晚上七點五十三分,全美MTV電視與MTV.com將同步首播凱蒂佩芮Katy Perry備受期待的最新單曲〈E.T. (feat. Kanye west)〉音樂錄影帶!台灣時間也已訂於04/0704/09,於全台MTV正式首播;04/0404/06,該台也預訂將有相關暖身預告。

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(自由時報/鄒念祖) 327是「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉的42歲生日,她生日的早上是在醫院度過,因為她前晚陣痛,一大早就趕去醫院,結果是虛驚一場。




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(蘋果日報/李世珍)「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)即將迎接龍鳳胎誕生,她擔心狗兒子、狗女兒會感覺失寵,嫉妒她的小孩,帶牠們去看寵物心理醫生,提前為牠們做心理建設。


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(蘋果日報/李子凡)「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)日前為腹中龍鳳胎在比佛利山的Montage Hotel飯店辦產前派對,以粉紅色與藍色為主題布置,她收到要價30萬元台幣的嬰兒床單與一個36000元的長頸鹿布偶等禮物,遭網友批評「太鋪張」。

她的預產期在4月底或5月初,美國媒體報導,派對現場用粉紅玫瑰與藍色繡球花布置,花蝴蝶與老公乘坐勞斯萊斯,並穿著「Roberto Cavalli」禮服接受大家祝福和「朝貢」,宛如女王。


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(蘋果日報/李世珍)36歲的「貝嫂」維多莉亞貝克漢(Victoria Beckham)懷胎4個多月,仍踩著鞋跟超過10公分的高跟鞋趴趴走,卻隨身帶水晶保胎,且絕不從階梯下方走過,以免厄運上身。傳她日前照4D超音波,顯示胎兒是女娃,她已委託好友伊娃隆格里亞幫她辦「弄瓦產前派對」。


她前陣子受訪表示,若這胎是男孩,她和老公貝克漢會再生第5胎,英國《太陽報》報導,她照了超音波,顯示懷女娃,夫妻倆非常興奮,已委請好友伊娃預約洛杉磯五星級飯店Chateau Marmont辦產前派對時間。


懷孕女星╱年齡 偏愛的食物
瑪麗亞凱莉 Mariah Carey 41歲:焦糖蘋果
維多莉亞 Victoria Beckham 36歲:吐司加鹽
凱特哈德遜 Kate Hudson 31歲:冰淇淋
紅粉佳人 Pink 31歲:軟糖
娜塔莉波曼 Natalie Portman 29歲:酸黃瓜
潔西卡艾芭 Jessica Alba 29歲:火腿起司三明治

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(蘋果日報/李世珍)「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)肚裡的龍鳳胎即將報到,她在比佛利山豪宅重金打造育嬰房,房內以18K金搭配乳白色牆面,設有華麗的嬰兒更衣室,並放置8萬元台幣的尿布台、6萬多元的嬰兒床兩張,以及她競價買來的麥可傑克遜遺物──價值2900萬元台幣的24K金絲絨沙發。

美國《Now》雜誌報導,花蝴蝶把自己最愛的奢華風格傳給兒女,預算無上限。除了金光閃閃的牆壁,房內還安裝了頂級音響,兩張嬰兒床旁各有一個鑲鑽iPod,上方各鑲了一架平面電視,更衣間裡則擺滿動輒56千元台幣的Petit Tresor童裝。

64千元台幣的Chelsea嬰兒床,未來將在8萬元台幣的尿布台幫寶貝換尿布,並為自己添購66千元台幣的Glam Glider哺乳椅;她向友人說:「這對龍鳳胎將是全世界最受寵的小孩。」

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(蘋果日報/李世珍)「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)今春將為人母,她的友人昨向《時人》雜誌證實她懷了龍鳳胎,正忙著添購寶寶用品與布置育嬰房。外傳41歲的她最近常接受催眠療程,好讓寶寶順利、平安出生。

美國《in Touch》雜誌報導,花蝴蝶對分娩有點憂心,深怕凸槌,於是接受友人建議,找催眠師助她順利生產,消息人士指出,距分娩還有段日子,她已常常躺在床上。她的老公尼克肯能指出,她懷孕期間變得很愛下廚,常煮很多菜,他都照單全收,擔心將比老婆更胖。

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專輯名稱 / Merry Christmas II You 祝你聖誕快樂
發行時間 / 2010.11.12
發行公司 / Universal
告示牌最高名次 /
美國銷售 /
產品編號 /
首發贈品 / 咪咪聖誕卡2款
曲目 /
01.Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Intro 聖誕老公公進城囉(序曲)
02.Oh Santa! 喔 聖誕老公公!
03.O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Little Drummer Boy Medley 美哉小城伯利恒/小鼓手男孩(組曲)
04.Christmas Time Is In The Air Again 聖誕氣氛再度瀰漫
05.The First Noel / Born Is The King Interlude 聖誕佳音/王者誕生(插曲)
06.When Christmas Comes 當聖誕節來臨
07.Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Housetop Celebration 聖誕老公公來了/來自屋頂的祝賀
08.Charlie Brown Christmas 查理布朗的聖誕節
09.O Come All Ye Faithful / Hallelujah Chorus feat. Patricia Carey 齊來頌揚/哈利路亞 [與母親派翠西亞凱莉合唱]
10.O Holy Night – Live from WPC In South Central Los Angeles 喔! 聖善夜(現場演唱版)
11.One Child 聖嬰
12.All I Want For Christmas Is You–Extra Festive 你是我最想要的聖誕禮物(2010新版)
13.Auld Lang Syne – The New Year’s Anthem 友誼萬歲-新年頌

史上擁有最多首(*18首)冠軍單曲天后 帶來2010最動人的聖誕祝福
首支洋溢聖誕歡樂氣氛動感單曲"Oh Santa!"發行首週空降告示牌聖誕數位單曲榜冠軍
聖誕首選"All I Want For Christmas Is You" 2010年全新版本
溫馨推薦瑪麗亞凱莉與母親派翠西亞感動合唱之聖誕組曲"O Come All Ye Faithful / Hallelujah Chorus"


繼全球熱銷超過1200萬張的聖誕專輯『Merry Christmas』之後,流行天后瑪麗亞凱莉在2010歲末壓軸發行歌唱生涯第2張聖誕大碟【Merry Christmas II You】,首支洋溢聖誕歡樂氣氛的動感單曲"Oh Santa!",毫無意外地一舉空降告示牌聖誕數位單曲榜冠軍!

專輯由瑪麗亞凱莉在不同時期的黃金製作陣容聯手打造,包括:1994年首張聖誕專輯『Merry Christmas』以及『Music Box』、『Daydream』等暢銷專輯的製作人Walter Afanasieff,2005年全球狂銷千萬張專輯『The Emancipation Of Mimi』的製作班底--Jermaine Dupri、James Poyser、Bryan-Michael Cox,2009年專輯『Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel』的製作人Randy Jackson,協同曾經11度榮膺奧斯卡頒獎典禮音樂總指揮,2007年製作「髮膠明星夢」電影原聲帶,作品跨越電視、電影、百老匯與流行樂壇的全才音樂家Marc Shaiman等人。

此張聖誕大碟,瑪麗亞凱莉與她最欣賞的音樂家Marc Shaiman合寫了充滿溫馨氣息的"Christmas Time Is In The Air Again"以及愛與關懷的"One Child",另外她參與創作的新曲還有"Oh Santa!"、"When Christmas Comes"。除了全新創作曲之外,當然也有許多膾炙人口的聖誕金曲,包括:重新灌錄瑪麗亞凱莉在1994年締造的聖誕新經典"All I Want For Christmas Is You",2010年的新版本中,Marc Shaiman將副歌主旋律編寫成弦樂做為歌曲開場,同時以更飽滿的和聲演唱層次和應景的叮噹鈴聲,增添歡樂的聖誕派對氣氛。值得一提的是,1994年版的"All I Want For Christmas Is You"在2005-2008年間都登上告示牌熱門單曲回鍋榜冠軍,也是史上最暢銷的聖誕歌曲下載鈴聲;不過今年聖誕歌迷就有一個全新版本可供選擇。專輯中另一首意義非凡的聖誕歌曲則是"O Come All Ye Faithful / Hallelujah Chorus",瑪麗亞凱莉請到曾是歌劇演唱家的母親Patricia珍貴獻聲,在這首福音曲式的聖誕組曲中,母女倆盡情展露歌唱技巧,豐富了聽覺的感動。在專輯最後則以舞曲方式詮釋跨年經典名曲"Auld Lang Syne",將象徵節慶的愛與歡樂表露無遺。

瑪麗亞凱莉表示:「對我而言,聖誕節是在春季或是夏季就開始了,基本上,打從夏天就會開始在洛杉磯家中裝飾紅、藍、綠色的小飾品,所以,我一直沉浸在聖誕節的氣氛中,這張專輯是我展現創意的時刻,能在此時此刻灌錄這張特別的專輯,對我來說更具有一種非常特別的意義。」Island Def Jam集團總裁L.A. Reid說:「認識瑪麗亞凱莉的人都知道她超愛聖誕節,所以,這是一張全然出自於她對聖誕節的熱愛所做的專輯。」

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深受音樂薰陶 4歲展歌唱才華

瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey),1970年3月27日出生於美國紐約州薩福克郡亨廷頓鎮,為著名的歌手、創作人、演員。母親Patricia Hickey擁有愛爾蘭血統,為歌劇女歌手與聲樂老師,父親Alfred Roy Carey是航空工程師,具有委內瑞拉血統,有一個哥哥與姐姐,在家中排行老么。

Mariah的取名由來,是來自於一首歌曲「They Call the Wind Mariah」,擁有黑人血統,從小在母親的歌唱薰陶下,瑪麗亞凱從4歲開始展現歌唱才華。中學開始嘗試音樂創作。曾擔任「I Still Believe」主唱Brenda K. Starr的合音,表現深獲喜愛,在一次派對中Brenda將Mariah Carey的試聽帶交給當時Sony唱片公司的總裁Tommy Mottola,Mottola於回家的車上播放了那捲試聽帶,驚為天人。不久後簽下Mariah Carey,成為Columbia唱片公司旗下的歌手。

首張專輯創佳績 神奇海豚音引震憾

首張同名專輯於1990年發行,首支單曲「Vision of Love」充滿福音靈魂的曲風,為當時的樂壇丟下了一顆震撼彈,擁有五個八度音以及超高頻海豚音的實力,瑪麗亞凱莉迅速征服樂評及歌迷的心。「Vision of Love」拿下了四周的冠軍,接下來的「Love Takes Time」、「Someday」、「I Don't Wanna Cry」也接連奪下冠軍,寫下首張專輯擁有連續四首冠軍曲的紀錄。精采的表現也讓她拿下了葛萊美獎最佳流行女藝人以及最佳新人兩項大獎。

神乎其技的海豚音成為當時討論的話題,1991年推出第二張專輯「Emotions」同名單曲大量使用海豚音,讓電台DJ認為只有在錄音室用電腦才能修出的效果。而在1992 年的美國 MTV 音樂大獎,瑪麗亞凱莉現場演出這首「Emotions」讓所有人親眼目睹這驚人的一刻,為她的實力奠下不可動搖的基礎。

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現場演唱宛若CD重現 下嫁老闆感知遇恩

即便如此,當時聲勢如日中天的瑪麗亞凱莉從未開過大型演唱會,演唱實力再度受到質疑,於是1992年瑪麗亞凱莉參加「MTV Unpluged」電視演唱會,以最接近歌迷的方式演出,流暢的唱功有如播放CD一般的音質,讓人蔚為驚嘆,這場小型演唱會後來也發行專輯,翻唱Jackson 5的「I'll Be There」也勇奪排行冠軍。

1993年發行的「Music Box」專輯,首支單曲「Dreamlover」成功的融合流行與嘻哈,帶領風潮。同年嫁給當時提攜她的恩人,當時唱片公司老闆湯米摩托拉(Tommy Mottola),但這段婚姻僅維持四年,於1997年以離婚收場。

搭日劇主題曲 成東瀛最愛外籍女藝人

1994年推出的聖誕專輯「Merry Christmas」,至今為止每年聖誕節都會重新熱賣,單曲「All I Want For Christmas Is You」成為日劇「29歲的聖誕節」主題曲,一舉囊獲日本人的心,從此日本成為美國以外銷售最好的國家。

One Sweet Day創下史上最多冠軍週數

1995年推出「Daydream」專輯,與「Boyz II Men」合唱的單曲「One Sweet Day」拿下連續16週冠軍的成績,成為史上坐最久冠軍寶座的歌曲。1997年的「Butterfly」專輯,可說是瑪麗亞凱莉最「黑」的專輯,整張專輯充滿黑人節奏藍調曲風,展現了完全不同以往的感覺,而離婚後的瑪麗亞凱莉坦言不想做個乖乖牌的公主,從此衣著改變為清涼大膽路線。

重金投效新公司 成績慘澹 精神崩潰

1998年精選輯「Ones」收錄了兩大天后合體的歌曲「When You Believe」,雖然排行成績平平,但成功打破后不見后的流言。1999年在新力唱片發行最後一張專輯「Rainbow」後,2000年以8000萬美金天價的簽約金投效EMI Virgin唱片公司,2001年推出電影及電影原聲帶「Glitter」,首支單曲「Loverboy」電台播放率不佳,據傳聞為前東家封殺電台播放,最後才在推出實體單曲後,靠銷售量成績從60名直接飆到第2名,不過專輯銷售量依然未見起色,讓瑪麗亞凱莉陷入演藝事業空前谷底,甚至罹患精神官能疾病進院療養。而EMI Virgin也在此時重新整頓旗下歌手,最後花了2800萬美金將瑪麗亞凱莉請出唱片公司。

奮發圖強 轉投新東家找回音樂自信

重新振作的瑪麗亞凱莉,在2002年初以2000萬美金簽約進入環球唱片體系下的Island唱片公司,惋惜的是此時她的父親卻因癌症病逝。同年瑪麗亞凱莉積極推出新專輯「Charmbracelet」,單曲「Through The Rain」似乎訴說她已經走出風風雨雨,要展開全新的一頁。其間她不斷嘗試與不同類型的製作人和歌手合作,試圖為自己找回音樂自信。


不向命運低頭 積極復出 天后再臨 

沉寂多年後,在知名製作人JD的操刀下,2005年推出了「The Emancipation of Mimi」專輯,首支單曲「It's Like That」以時下流行的怪怪曲風引起民眾的注意,第二支抒情單曲「We Belong Together」以穩健的步伐最後拿下了14周的冠軍成績,成功的重登流行音樂界天后寶座,隨後改版再推出單曲「Don't Forget About Us」,拿下了生平中的第17支冠軍單曲,這張成功的專輯也讓瑪麗亞凱莉睽違15年後,再度拿下葛萊美節奏藍調最佳女歌手、專輯、單曲等三項大獎。

經過巡迴演唱會後,2008年瑪麗亞凱莉再推專輯「E=MC2」,首支單曲「Touch My Body」以輕鬆曲風拿下個人第18首冠軍曲,穩坐史上最多冠軍曲女藝人紀錄保持者,持續朝向更高紀錄邁進(僅次於披頭四的20首),而冠軍總週數累積為79周,成為史上最多冠軍週數的藝人。而她也在五月份宣佈已密婚下嫁好萊塢演員尼克肯能(Nick Cannon)。

全創作藝人 成績耀眼全世界 


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Welcome to a day of my life
The memoirs of an imperfect angel
Welcome to a day of my life
The memoirs of an imperfect angel
Though the lights were low
I can see you both in lovers silhouette
And my heart stood still
I was froze right there,
staring down at her red dress
so I bolted out the door
jumped right into the car
it’s too dangerous to be in the vicinities of where you are
rolled down all the windows just so I could breath
Can’t believe you just actually did this shit to me
I’m going about a hundred
Mascara running
laughing out of anger but it don’t strick me as funny
Been to good to you
I’ve been virtuous and true to have something like this to happen in my
own bedroom.
Betcha gon know though how if feels

When I get you back
Betcha gon know though how it feels
And your hearts been cracked
Betcha gon know though how it feels
When we fade to black
Betcha gon know though how it feels
When you see your whole world collapse
I’m a La La La La La Laugh
I’m a La La La La La Laugh
I’m a La La La La La Laugh
Right in your face boy
Betcha gon know though how if feels
So I pulled to the side of the road to fix my face but I can’t cover with
makeup what my tears what my tears want to erase
But I wake up in a haze
Morning, noon, and sun raise
As I’d rather have my eyes behind my black and ultraviolet shades
A block from the house
Slowly creep in the drive way
Tiptoe through the door
But your there wide awake
You like ”where you been?”

I’m like “Sorry but I fell asleep on Jasmine’s sofa. I could of swear
that RaeRae called you and told you”
Your like “Are you ok?”
I’m like “I’m alright. Go to sleep and I’ll be fine”
But if you only knew what was in the back of my mind.
Where to start but you really gonna find out in time
Betcha gon know though how if feels
When I get you back
Betcha gon know though how it feels
And your hearts been cracked
Betcha gon know though how it feels
When we fade to black
Betcha gon know though how it feels
When you see your whole world collapse
I’m a La La La La La Laugh
I’m a La La La La La Laugh
I’m a La La La La La Laugh
Right in your face boy
Betcha gon know though how if feels


This is for real, for real, for real
Oprah Winfrey, whole segment, for real, for real
20/20, Barbara Walters,for real, for real
60 minutes for real
Baby, i had all the guns but not a word from you
You got me all crazy, somewhere down the line your gonna get what you deserve.
you F*****G jerk
Your were supposed to save me, my sweet baby
Now we are fading away..but your gonna know how this feels
Even if it's the last thing i ever do
To be continued.......

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I was like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
Will the real MC please, step to the mike?
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
All up in the blogs
Saying we met at the bar
When I don't even know who you are
Saying we up in your house
Saying I'm up in your car
But you in LA and I'm out at Jermaine's.

I'm up in the A
You so so lame
and no one here even mentions your name
It must be the weed. It must be the E
Cause you be popping hood
You get it popping, Oh
Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)
Lying that you're sexing me (when everybody knows)
It's clear that you're upset with me
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress
Last man on the earth still couldn't hit this
You're delusional, you're delusional
Boy you're losing your mind
It's confusing yo, you're confused you know
Why you wasting your time
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
Seeing right through you like you're bathing in Windex
Boy why you so obsessed with me?
You on your job
You hating hard
Ain't gon' feed you
I'm gonna let you starve
Gasping for air
I'm ventilation
You out of breath
Hope you ain't waiting
Telling the world how much you miss me
But we never were
So why you trippin'
You a mom and pop
I'm a corporation
I'm the press conference
and you a conversation
Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)
Lying that you're sexing me (when everybody knows)
It's clear that you're upset with me
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress
Last man on the earth still couldn't hit this
You're delusional, you're delusional
Boy you're losing your mind
It's confusing yo, you're confused you know
Why you wasting your time
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
Seeing right through you like you're bathing in Windex
Boy why you so obsessed with me?
Why you so obsessed with me
Lying that you're sexing me
It's clear that you're upset with me
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress
Last man on the earth still couldn't hit this
You're delusional, you're delusional
Boy you're losing your mind
It's confusing yo, you're confused you know
Why you wasting your time
Got you all fired up with y our napoleon complex
Seeing right through you like you're bathing in windex
Boy why you so obsessed with me?

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(Having A Typical Emotional Upset)
Once upon a time
We swore not to say goodbye
Something got a hold of us and we changed
Then you sat alone in pride and I sat at home and cried
How'd our fairy tale just end up this way
We went round for round til' we knocked love out
We were laying in the ring not makin' a sound
And if that's a metaphor of you and I
Why is it so hard to say goodbye
I can't wait to hate you
Make you pain like I do
Still can't shake you off
I can't wait to break through
These emotional changes seems like such a loss
'Cause I can't wait to face you break you down
So low theres no place left to go
I can't wait to hate you

Oh this was the laugh in my mind no one could explain
And I wish I could press reset and feel that feeling again
I sit and press rewind and watch this everynight
Wanna pause it but I cant make you stay
We went round for round til' we knocked love out
We were laying in the ring not makin' a sound
And if that's a metaphor for you and I
Why is it so hard to say goodbye
I can't wait to hate you
Make you pain like I do
Still can't shake you off
I can't wait to break through
These emotional changes seems like such a loss
'Cause i cant wait to face you break you down
So low theres no place left to go
I can't wait to hate you
No need to call my phone cause I changed my number today
Matter a fact I think I'm movin' away
Sorry the frustrations got me feelin' a way
And I just keep havin' one last thing to say
And I just wanna hold you touch you feel you
Be near you I miss you baby baby baby
Im tired of tryin' to fake through
But theres nothin' I can do
Boy I can't wait to hate you
I can't wait to hate you
Make you pain like I do
Still can't shake you off
I can't wait to break through
These emotional changes seems like such a loss
'Cause I can't wait to face you break you down
So low theres no place left to go
I can't wait to hate you

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I still remember
That haze of september
I've been waiting for somebody like you
To come back around
Verse 1:
We would walk in the park
Every Saturday
Brand new
All in love
Kissing time away
You was all up on me
It was plain to see
That i was your girl
Way back when it was the simple thing
That you gave to me
Sweet tarts,Ring pop,and that candy bling
And you were my world
Now i wish i could go back and make time stop
I would take this love throwback from the top
Go dj play my song
And imma think about you all night long
Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was on again
Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was on again
Things we were to
Fall asleep on the phone as crepuscule
Now im back to the future missing you
My sweet baby
My sweet thang
Like candy
Felt like real love
I just......
Sayin your my sweet baby
It was everything that i could do
To stay awake
And i often reminisce
About the games we played
Ohhh yeah
It was Tac,Chess,...,The Bottle
Then butterflies were in last till tomorrow
Then the lights came on
I had to return right home
And now i wish i
Could go back and my time stop
And i would take this love throwback from the top
Go dj play my song
And imma think about you all night lonngggggg
Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was on again
Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was on again

Things we were to
Fall asleep on the phone as crepuscule
Now im back to the future missing you
My sweet baby
My sweet thang
Like candy
Felt like real love
I just......
Sayin your my sweet baby
Imma see mimi
Felt the need to change me
Butterfly flow
Like Mohamed Ali
Wish i can bring you back
Like the O.D.B
Thinkin bout the ....
No mather what i do
Well the memories are stacked
...... 10th grade
Thinkin bout eleven
When you went thug
And fresh outta the heaven heaven heaven
Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was on again
Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was on again
Things we were to
Fall asleep on the phone as crepuscule
Now im back to the future missing you
My sweet baby
My sweet thang
Like candy
Felt like real love
I just......
Sayin your my sweet baby

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It's only been 20 good minutes since I kissed you
Come back boo, I miss you
Wish I had 20 million hours to caress you
And undress you, to be continued
Boy you, you don't know how it feels when you whisper in my ear
Boy you, you give my body chills whenever you are near
And boy I got your lovin' on my mind
I got your lovin' on my mind
You got me wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
I got your lovin' on my mind
I got your lovin' on my mind
You got me wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
Wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
Wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
Sometimes we argue and we fight
But they better know that that's my baby
You might even you cute
But everybody knows that I'm his lady
Every time you see us, we super fly
So proud he's by my side
He knows I'm ride or die
You don't know how we roll
Holla at your boy
Boy you, you don't know how it feels when you whisper in my ear
Boy you, you give my body chills whenever you are near
And boy I got your lovin' on my mind
I got your lovin' on my mind
You got me wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
I got your lovin' on my mind
I got your lovin' on my mind
You got me wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
Wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
Wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it

Boy I'm all wrapped up in you
You make me feel so unloose
Tell me what I'm suppose to do
When you're not around
Oh, baby (Yeah yeah yeah)
Oh, baby (Yeah yeah yeah)
Oh, baby (Yeah yeah yeah)
Oh, baby (Yeah hey)
Oh, boy you got me, you got me, you got me
And boy I got your lovin' on my mind
I got your lovin' on my mind
You got me wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
I got your lovin' on my mind
Wrapped up, packed up
Ribbon with a bow on it
Got ribbon with a bow on it baby
Boy you don't even know the things you do
I could spend my whole life with you

I got your lovin' on my mind
Baby I could spend my life with you
It's been 20 good minutes since I kissed you
Come back boo I miss you

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Call my phone
Baby call my phone
I been waiting to hear ya ring tone
Lost without my other half
How can I live without ya
I don’t want another
That’s why I’m messed up about ya
Can’t even dream without seein’ you
Why should I even try to breath
Everything is gone without you
Guess it’s all my fault
Lady sings the blues
No one could deny it
We were fly high like United
Thought we never be divided
Cause the love we had inside us
Was inseparable
If you’re bumping this song
And you searching for the moment
When two hearts went wrong
Cherishing ya love cause you swore you’d never ever give it up
Cause you thought yours was inseparable
Thought we stay together
Always and forever
But now I see that no one is inseparable
Except for us
One of us just gotta pick the phone up
Cause I know we’re still inseparable
Got photos of us on my frigerator
Videos on my phone
But I just can’t just erase them
The first text that I ever got from you
Still sit in my inbox and I read it
back time after time
Well I’m lost can’t you look
Wont’ you please find me
I’m down to my last breath
Come rescue me
There’s broke in my heart
To the point where I don’t’ leave the house
No reason now
To leave the house
Just aint’t the same without you
Boy I thought we we’re inseparable
If you’re bumping this song
And you searching for the moment
When two hearts went wrong
Cherishing ya love cause you swore you’d never ever give it up
Cause you thought yours was inseparable
Thought we stay together
Always and forever
But now I see that no one is inseparable
Except for us
One of us just gotta pick the phone up
It’s been sixteen days
Since I held you tight
Bald up me and my pillow
In the middle of the night
Boy I just wish you show up
And make everything alright
So what u waiting for
Cause both of us still know that we’re inseparable
If you’re bumping this song
And you searching for the moment
When two hearts went wrong
Cherishing ya love cause you swore you’d never ever give it up
Cause you thought you were inseparable
Thought we stay together
Always and forever
But now I see that no one is inseparable
Except for us
One of us just gotta pick the phone up
If you’re bumping this song
And you searching for the moment
When two hearts went wrong
And your hurt cause you swore you’d never ever give it up
Cause you thought you were inseparable

Thought we stay together
Always and forever
But now I see that no one is inseparable
Except for us
One of us just gotta pick the phone up

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Verse 1-
Oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh
Here's your standing O
Boy, you remind
me of a love that seemed so sublime.
Your kisses told me oh so many lies
shades on like I be stuntin' through the night
But I decided with the eyes
to keep the world from knowin' what's inside.
I didn't know oh oh oh oh-oh-oh
I was a show oh oh oh oh-oh-oh
And your words they had no meaning.
How didn't I forsee this?
Happiness and congrats.
Know that
I pretend I mean it
So cheers, toast, bravo to you.
Cuz you're the man of the hour.
I'ma have to send you some flowers
Cheers, toast, bravo to you.
The man of the hour.
You played the one that loved you the most
so here's your standing O
oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
Boy so Heres your standing O
oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
Gave you my heart and all you did was pound on it (so heres your standing O)
Verse 2:
Here's your standing ovation.
Doctor, I was too patient.
Even when you wasn't enough,
I'm the one that taught you how to love.
And boy I gave you all of me,
parts of affection you couldn't see.
As you embrace her in your arms give her "my all"
give her more than you gave to me.
When you had nothing I gave.
When you were weak I made you brave.
You went leave me with the scars on my heart,
it's funny how ya'll forget it sll.
So cheers, toast, bravo to you.
Cuz you're the man of the hour.
I'ma have to send you some flowers
Cheers, toast, bravo to you.
The man of the hour.
You played the one that loved you the most
so here's your standing O
oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
Boy so Heres your standing O
oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh oh
Gave you my heart and all you did was pound on it (so heres your standing O)
Round of applause to the
biggest fool in the world
give 'em all that you got
and they still ride out into the sunset with the next girl.
Round of applause to the
biggest fool in the world
give 'em all that you got
and they still ride out into the sunset with the next girl.
Standing Ovation
Damn I was down for it
gave you my heart and all you did was pound on it.
Standing Ovation
Damn I was down for it
gave you my heart and all you did was pound on it.
All you did was pound on it,
gave you my heart
and all you did was pound on it
all you did was pound on it

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Yet another early morning
And you walk in like it's nothing
Hold up hold up hold tight
Ain't no donuts ain't no coffee
See I, know you seen me
Calling and calling
I should crack you
Right in your forehead
Let me take a breath,
And regain my composure
Told you one more time if you f'ed up
It's over
When it's gone, it's gone,
It's gone, it's gone
You're dead wrong, so wrong,
So wrong, so wrong
So just scoo-do-do-do-do,
Baby it's a wrap
Shoo-do-do-do-do shoo-do-do-do-do
For you baby
It's a wrap
It's a wrap for you boy
It's a wrap
Aww baby
Ooh-we Oooh-oooh
If I ever misrepresented
My self image, then I'm sorry
I was oh so acquiescent
But I learned my lesson,
Boy you're sorry
All out in the open
Don't make me go call Maury Povich
Let me take a breath,
And regain my composure
Told you one more time if you f'ed up
It's over
When it's gone, it's gone,
It's gone, it's gone
You're dead wrong, so wrong,
So wrong, so wrong
So just scoo-do-do-do-do,
Baby it's a wrap
Shoo-do-do-do-do shoo-do-do-do-do
For you baby
It's a wrap
It's a wrap for you boy
It's a wrap
Aww baby
Put all yours s**t in the elevator
It's goin' down like a denominator
Tryin to keep holdin' on holding on
Boy let me go
You gon' wake my neighbors,
Get away from my door
That was your last shot
You ain't comin back
It's the Martini I mean it baby
It's a wrap
When it's gone, it's gone,
It's gone, it's gone
You're dead wrong, so wrong,
So wrong, so wrong
So just scoo-do-do-do-do,
(Boy I'm checkin' the gate)
Shoo-do-do-do-do shoo-do-do-do-do
(I told you)
(I told you)
(I told you)
It's a wrap
(If you f'ed up one more time it's over)
It's a wrap for you baby
It's a wrap
(So get up out my face I'm hung over)
Aww baby
So just scoo-do-do-do-do,
(Been sitting here)
(All night leave me alone)
(Since quarter to there I been)
Shoo-do-do-do-do shoo-do-do-do-do
(Drinkin' Patrn)
(Watch the credits roll)
It's a wrap
(It's a wrap)
It's a wrap

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It's not chipped we're not cracked
Oh we're shattered

I thought we had something special
And we had something good
But I should have had
Another mechanic under my hood
If you see me walkin by ya
Boy don't you ever speak
Pretend you're on a sofa
And I'm on the TV
Might see me on a poster
See me at a show
But you won't see me for free
Boy this ain't no promo

Actin all shamed now
Wherever you been layin'
You can stay now
Gotta board the BBJ
And pull the shades down
I'm on the plane now
And don't keep callin from your
Momma's house

When I break, I break, boy
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
Up out my face, I break
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
Up out my face, I break
You ain't ever gonna feel
This thing again
You're gonna get a lot of calls
Cause I CC'd all your friends
I ain't walkin around all mopey and sad
That ain't even my bag, baby
I break

So look who's cryin' now, boo hoo hoo
Talkin' about you're missin'
Your boo hoo hoo
No you ain't getting it
No you ain't hitting it
No you ain't a rapper so you need to
Stop spittin' it - ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
You'll wonder who I'm messin'
With while you ain't next to me
I'm going bye...
So pay the consequences
Cause you acting all ignorant

So you're ashamed now
Wherever you been layin'
You can stay now
Gotta board the BBJ
And pull the shades down
I'm on the plane now
And don't keep callin from your
Momma's house

When I break, I break, boy
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
Up out my face, I break
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
Up out my face, I break
You ain't ever gonna feel
This thing again
You're gonna get a lot of calls
Cause I CC'd all your friends
I ain't walkin around all mopey and sad
That ain't even my bag, baby
I break
Cause when I break, I break, I break

And no super clue can fix this shhh
Wen I break, I break, I break
Not even a welder and a builder
Can rebuild this shhh when I break, I break, I break
Not even a nail technician
With a whole lotta
Gel and acrylic can fix this
when I break, I break
If we were two lego blocks
Even the Harvard University
Graduating class of 2010
Couldn't put us back together again

When I break, boy
(Up out my face boy)
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
Up out my face, I break
(No no nooo-oo)
(I break, I break, I break)
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
Up out my face, I break
You ain't ever gonna
Feel this thing again
(Gonna feel this thing again)
You're gonna get a lot of calls
(Cause I)
Cause I CC'd all your friends
(Ha ha ha ha ha-aa)
I ain't walkin around all mopey and sad
That ain't even my bag, baby
(Cause when I break baby baby)
I break, boy
(I brea-ee-ek)
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
(Up out my face boy, up out my face boy)
Up out my face, I break
(I tell you what)
Up out my face boy, up out my face boy
(Tell you nothin')
Up out my face, I break
(Here, I'll tell you something)
(I'm outta here)
(Oh yeah)

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